Providing access to safe and clean drinking water
Jigsaw is working to help communities to not only gain access to clean water, but to also protect families who can spend as much as six hours a day fetching water, many times having to go alone. All of our water interventions will be strategically located within walking distance for the complete village.
A Sadaqah Jariyah
The Prophet (SAW) described providing drinking water as the best charity. Water is a Sadaqah Jariyah; when you provide water to a vulnerable community, you reap the rewards for years to come.
We will also place a plaque in your name on the well/pump, and send you a report upon completion.
Can Zakat Be Used to Build a Water Well or Hand pump?
This is valid providing the beneficiaries are Zakat eligible and ownership of the water intervention is given to them. Our Zakat water wells and water pumps meet these criteria, providing essential support to some of the poorest and most vulnerable members of our society.
Or you can donate the well in the name of a loved one, and they’ll reap the endless rewards of this charity – even after they are gone.
£2500 – Install a water filtration plant in a drought-hit community in Pakistan providing clean drinking water for 1500+ beneficiaries a day.
£280 – Install a large hand pump in a drought-hit community in Pakistan providing clean drinking water to 100-150 beneficiaries a day.
£120 – Install a small hand pump in a drought-hit community in Pakistan, providing clean drinking water to 35-40 beneficiaries a day.
**We aim to complete all water projects within 8-12 weeks after which a completion report will be emailed to you**
If you would like a name plaque displayed on your water pump, please email us the plaque name to info@jigsaw.charity, with your full name and billing address.